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How do I find the full-text article from a citation?

1048 views   |   0   0   |   Last updated on Jun 20, 2017    Articles Research


Many times in your research, you will find a citation for an article (maybe through a database search, or in the reference list of another article), and you want to find the full article. There are several ways to go about this.

One is to go to GALILEO (from the Library's home page or under Quick Links on any of Middle Georgia State University's web pages) and search for the title of your article. If it comes up in the result list with a "Full Text" link underneath, you've found it!  If there is a purple "Find It" button instead of a full text link, click that and look for links at the top of the resulting page that will take you to the article, or the online journal it's in. If there is no full text available, use the link at the bottom of the page to order the article through InterLibrary Loan..

You can also search for your article's journal or periodical title in our Journals A to Z resource to see if MGA  has full text articles from that resource. If we do, you'll get a link to the database that has it.