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How do I find a book on my topic?

468 views   |   0   0   |   Last updated on Jun 20, 2017    Research GIL Books


On the Library's web page, click either on the "Find Books" button on the left, or under Resources click on "Gil Find." Then enter your topic keywords. Remember, when you're looking for books, go broad and use keywords sparingly. (Example: If you want books to "discuss the criminal aspects of drug abuse" you might just type in "drugs and crime."

If you see a book in the result list that you're interested in, look for its location. If it's a print (physical) book,you'll be able to see the MGA campus it's on, the floor and section of the Library, and the call number. Click "Get It" for more details or request options. If it's an electronic book (ebook) there will be a "View It" button with a link to view the book. If you're off campus, you will need to log in with your MGA email user name and email password to view the full text of the ebook.

If we don't have a suitable book on your topic, we might be able to get book(s) for you through GIL Express or InterLibrary Loan, if you are a current student or faculty/staff member.